3rd & 4th Grade
Welcome to the Wolves Classroom
3rd & 4th Grades

As of Fall 2019, there are now two Wolves classrooms, each consisting of 3rd and 4th-grade students. The two teachers leading their packs (Wolves South and Wolves North) work closely together. Just like wolves in a pack, our teachers and classes focus and thrive on teamwork. We value that each of us has unique gifts to share and challenges to overcome. The Wolves classrooms are places for students, ages 8-10, to learn about themselves, our neighbors and the world while developing responsibility and building community. Personal growth and academic rigor are joined with laughter and fun... every day.
Key responsibilities of the Wolves students are
to do one’s personal best socially and academically,
to do homework thoughtfully, thoroughly and to return it on time,
to treat others kindly, and
to work on solving problems individually and with others.
Because there is a range of ages in our class, the expectations vary accordingly.
When students enter the Wolves classrooms, they have typically mastered basic skills that enable them to think more deeply and abstractly. As Beavers, they were learning to read; as Wolves, they are reading to learn.
We study people who have made a difference, changes in our country, geology, magnetism, electricity and, of course, wolves. Within each unit of study, there is an element of choice and challenge that allows children to explore a topic more deeply. Choice is incredibly motivating and gives students opportunities to see each other’s good ideas and learn from each other. It also addresses a range of skill levels, strengths, and interests.
Individual and classroom organization is an emerging skill for this age group. Students are eager to show they’re up for the challenge. They have color-coded folders assigned to specific subjects, supplies that are maintained in designated places throughout the room, and they are taught to manage these materials and their usage.
Every other year, the Wolves classes visit the Ely International Wolf Center for an overnight adventure. All year, the students look forward to the time when they’ll be close to their namesake. The students sleep in the carpeted amphitheater overlooking the wolves’ habitat. We all wake to the distinct howling of the pack – a highlight of the trip!
Each classroom at GES begins its day with Morning Meeting where the students gather together to start the day in a powerful community-building set of activities. 8-10-year olds are at a wonderful stage of development where their self-confidence and loyalty to one another enable them to accomplish great things in whole-group situations such as Morning Meeting. Often, inspiring ideas will emerge from the group such as how to solve a problem at recess or how the children might address world hunger. The sky seems to be the limit! The exchange of ideas, planning to take action, and seeing a plan through to some result is powerful bonding and meaning-making for the Wolves class. It also is a privilege and joy to observe as their teachers.
Wolves Educator: Suzy

Wolves Educator: Carrie