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Our Program

Building a Learning Experience

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At Great Expectations School, our vision of “Growing Hearts and Minds, One Child at a Time” comes to life in the development of a learning community that engages students based on their individual strengths, passions, needs, and learning styles.


We offer each student:

  • a safe, nurturing school environment and a culture of mutual respect based on the Responsive Classroom approach to social and emotional development

  • a variety of teaching methods that flow from our understanding that students learn and express themselves in different ways

  • guided reflection on learning experiences in order to develop interactive, authentic assessment of student work

  • multi-age classroom groupings where difference is accepted, collaboration is encouraged, and interdependence is practiced

  • hands-on, relevant learning experiences that help create strong connections between subject areas and deepen student understanding

  • flexible-paced learning and academic differentiation that responds to individual student achievement and ability rather than chronological age

  • inclusive learning environments where students of all abilities are members of a classroom community that supports the needs of each student

Great Expectations Fundamentals

The underlying principle of GES’s educational program is fostering rich, authentic understanding by connecting students to their learning. We expect our students will learn not only from books and teachers but from their direct experience of studying the environment and community in which they live. We seek to enhance their inherent curiosity and creativity, develop their abilities to be critical thinkers and effective problem-solvers, and spark their passion for life-long learning.


For example, students studying geology may go to Artist’s Point, Pincushion Mountain, or Cut Face Creek to see the rocks that surround Lake Superior and Grand Marais. They may read historical fiction or research primary documents focused on the role of mining in Minnesota.  Local experts may lead field tours or classroom presentations.  Students may use the Internet or other resources to investigate the geology of other places in the world and analyze similarities and differences with this region.  Their work may include updating a nature journal or writing an essay about their insights.  Groups of students may develop presentations to share with other classrooms or the broader community.  We have used all of these methods and more to develop and support hands-on, interdisciplinary, student-centered learning experiences.


Using this approach to teaching, educators guide students through in-depth studies of real-world topics.  The goal is to help develop children who are highly motivated, feel actively involved in their own learning, and produce work of high quality.


A Community of Respect and Responsibility
Students will not take the emotional risks necessary to fully engage in these rich learning experiences until they feel safe, supported, and confident in their ability to meet the social and behavioral expectations of school life.  Using the Responsive Classroom approach, we strive to create an environment where clear expectations, consistent follow-through, and personal responsibility are woven into all aspects of our operation.  The goal is not to force compliance to a set of external standards, but to help students develop both an understanding of the value of an interdependent learning community and the skills necessary to be an effective member of it.  This includes allowing students to create the classroom and other school rules necessary for all students to achieve their unique educational hopes and dreams.


Multi-age Classrooms
GES has established stand-alone kindergarten through second-grade classrooms, believing that this is the most developmentally-appropriate environment for helping these students prepare for success in school.  All other GES classrooms are multi-age, with the following current grade combinations: 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8. Students with differing ability levels and ages are taught in the same classroom without dividing them or the curriculum into grade designations.  Teachers from 3rd grade on teach each grade of students for two years and students alternate between being the “youngers” and “olders” in the classroom.  The corresponding relational and social dynamics provide a powerful framework for maintaining a consistent, supportive, and productive classroom.


Integrated Curriculum
With consideration of our accountability for student proficiency, classroom teachers have done extensive work to create curriculum maps that help ensure mandated grade-level academic standards are addressed.  They have also developed units, themes, and projects that incorporate standards from multiple academic disciplines, often blending or resequencing content requirements to create a more cohesive whole.  Students read and write across curriculum areas, and integrate concepts from different disciplines as they work through their assignments.  As a result, students see connections between subjects, invoke a broader range of problem-solving strategies, and begin to develop a sense of life’s over-arching themes and enduring understandings.



Parents as Partners

Parents are partners in all aspects of school life at GES. Ours is a relationship-oriented, small school environment in which students, families, and the broader community are welcomed, valued, and respected. At GES, family and volunteer involvement is a daily occurrence.


Specifically, Great Expectations School:

  • recognizes parents as the primary educators of their children, and supports consistent, open communication with parents

  • believes parents are not only partners in the education of their children, but also in the school’s decision making process

  • encourages families to attend school meetings and events, including five unique conference sessions throughout the year

  • encourages parents to volunteer for 24 hours per school year and recognizes volunteers for their contributions

  • sends a weekly newsletter and event calendar home with information from teachers, school administration, and community partners






Authentic Assessment â€‹

At GES, the most important assessments begin with teacher observations of a student’s process—work ethic, problem-solving strategies, collaboration—and their products, such as written work, exhibitions, and projects. These observations, combined with the student’s own reflections, form the basis for meaningful dialogue about their achievements.


Our assessment approach is ongoing and frequent, providing students with clear feedback about their performance and opportunities to make renewed progress. Our goal is to meet students where they are on their learning journey and consistently reinforce the message that they are capable of growth. 



Formal Assessments

At GES, we are committed to fostering a strong foundation in literacy for all our students. As part of this commitment, we conduct early literacy assessments for students in kindergarten through fourth grade, as well as for older students who are not reading at grade level. These assessments help us identify and support students' individual needs effectively. To support our students' growth and achievement, we utilize the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS).


In addition, students in grades 3-8 participate in the annual Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs). The MCAs, mandated by the state of Minnesota, ensure that all schools are held accountable for teaching grade-level standards. Students in grades 3 through 8 are tested in reading and math. Fifth and eighth-grade students are also assessed in science.


To meet the legal requirement of using normed, standardized assessments to report student achievement, we rely on the Measures of Academic Performance (MAP) tests from the Northwest Evaluation Association and the FastBridge suite of assessments. These computer-based, adaptive assessments respond to student answers by presenting harder questions when students answer correctly and easier ones when students answer incorrectly. The result is a more precise measurement of an individual’s level of understanding. Measuring against previous tests allows us to gauge the amount of growth a student has shown, so we can determine whether the student is making good progress regardless of their grade-level proficiency.



Contact Us

Mailing Address

Great Expectations is a free public school in Grand Marais, Minnesota that works from the principle of “one child at a time,” where students learn based on their individual strengths, passions, needs, and learning styles

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PO Box 310
Grand Marais, MN 55604

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