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7th & 8th Grade

Welcome to the Otters Classroom

7th & 8th Grade 


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Becoming a student in the Otter classroom carries the status of being some of the eldest in the school community.  Because students have generally grown-up in the school culture at GES he or she has acquired a set of leadership skills that are practiced and used as they serve as role models and mentors to the younger students. Along with leadership, the Otters have gained the necessary academic skills, self-discipline, and the ability to be more independent learners. 


As they prepare for their transition into high school the students work individually and collaboratively on assignments and projects-practicing critical thinking and problem solving with the teachers as facilitators and guides. They receive Math and Science instruction from Lisa Vanderwyst, Erik Hahn and other middle school subject specialists.


As in all classrooms at GES the Otters start each day with a morning circle.  In middle school, this circle is called The Circle of Power and Respect. Though the familiar components are still practiced, as they are in the younger grades, the middle school circle takes on a more complex and age-appropriate tone. 
The primary goals of the circle are to:

  • establish trust,

  • teach social skills,

  • make school meaningful. 

  • to set the tone for learning by making the transition from home to school.

As the year progresses students take responsibility for organizing and leading the circle, taking turns throughout the year. 


Adolescence is a time when one begins to forge a personal identity separate from the group.  In a safe and accepting environment students are encouraged to explore the answer to the question, “Who am I?”   Stressing acceptance and appreciation for everyone, students become a closely knit group of unique individuals.  Otters are given opportunities to show their competency, to be independent, to establish relationships with each other and the adult community, and to have fun! 

Otters Educator: Kathryn Nelson-Pedersen


Otters Educator: William Choi


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Great Expectations is a free public school in Grand Marais, Minnesota that works from the principle of “one child at a time,” where students learn based on their individual strengths, passions, needs, and learning styles

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PO Box 310
Grand Marais, MN 55604

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