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Bear Cubs

Welcome to the Bear Cubs Classroom


I hope your dreams take you to the corner of your smiles,
to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities,
and to the most special place your heart has ever known.

-Author Unknown-

At GES we try to make the transition into school a joyful one. Kindergarten a wonderful time to build new friendships, expand on curiosities and creativity, and learn new routines and responsibilities.  Five and six-year-olds are often eager to explore and share ideas.  They thrive in a classroom with routines and clear expectations.  The kindergarten year is a tremendous time for personal, social, and academic growth.  

Much of the beginning of our year is focused on learning about our classroom community and broader school culture.  Along with learning new classroom routines the Bear Cubs also practice cooperative play and how to be a good friend.  We read lots of books together and notice ways to build empathy for how others may be feeling.  The Bear Cubs also learn about the ways in which we are alike and different.  As they explore their own identity and notice their own strengths and challenges, we emphasize the ways we can support each other.  We often remind each other to “keep trying even when something is hard”.  

Our schedule seeks to find balance throughout the day.  The Bear Cubs engage in regular free play indoors and out to build on interests, stamina, and collaboration.  These are crucial moments for social growth!  At other times of the day, the students are engaged in focused small group learning, hands-on exploration, or large group discussions.  The Bear Cubs also have time to rest their bodies and rejuvenate for the afternoon.  

Outdoor play is an important part of the Bear Cubs day.  We will play outside several times each day in (almost) every weather.  Outdoor play may include climbing, fort building, digging, playing with mud and clay, imaginary play, rock hunting, sledding, snowshoeing, and hiking.  Outdoor play provides a wonderful backdrop for developing physical and character skills.  It also gives students lots of practice in working through social situations.  We will make a strong effort to connect to our environment both in and out of the classroom including regular trips to the beach and trails to explore the seasonal changes.

Bear Cubs Educator: Anne 

Mrs. Anne.png

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Great Expectations is a free public school in Grand Marais, Minnesota that works from the principle of “one child at a time,” where students learn based on their individual strengths, passions, needs, and learning styles

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PO Box 310
Grand Marais, MN 55604

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